Sharia asks prayers so that a brother ministering in Uganda can be protected by the Lord as he carries out the word of God.
Edwin asks prayers for this new year of uncertainty. He asks we pray for each other and the times we're living in.
Peter asks prayer for his friend at Jefferson who has a concussion and is in critical condition.
Leo asks prayers for himself and for everyone in the faith so that the latter rain can fall on us all and Jesus can come soon
Jeremy asks prayers for his grandmother's health. Shes a great woman of God and is great role model to him and the rest of her family.
Pamela asks prayers for her family in California. Their home has not been burn down yet but they fear it might.
Cassidy asks prayers for her three kids attending public school. She hopes that God can protect them physically and mentally during school time.
Dominic asks prayers for the homeless and drug addicts in Philly, so that they can be liberated from those addictions.
Anonymous asks prayer for their son as he is going through a rebelious phase and peer pressure.