Ongoing Local Programs/Events

  • Financial Seminars
    • seminars will start on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00pm
    • seminar intervals will be every 3rd Tuesday
    • seminars will last for 12 weeks, ending on August 5th, 2025
    • our host will be our Chruch Clerk Marina Ream
    • next seminar on February 11th at 7:00pm
    • for more information, or obtain password please contact Marina Ream at 610-216-7420
    • Click the image below to access Faith and Finance material

Upcoming Local Programs/Events

  • No available programs/events at this time.

Upcoming Local Programs/Events

  • No available programs/events at this time.

Resource Links

NJ Conference Stewardship Ministries

SDA North America Division Stewardship Ministries

General Conference Stewardship Ministries

About Laurelwood Stewardship Ministries


Our Mission

Christian life stewardship encourages church members to respond to divine grace by dedicating all they possess to God. We are stewards of our time, health, abilities, and finances. By being Christ-filled stewards of what God has given us we can fund our mission to give people hope and help them become whole. Hope and wholeness for our mind, our body, and our spirit.


With that, our mission is to inspire God’s people to fund the message of Hope and Wholeness. But Christian stewardship is not just about money, quite the contrary. It encompasses the care and proper use of body, mind, time, abilities, spiritual gifts, relationships with others, influence, speech, environment, and material possessions. The stewardship department encourages and assists church members in their partnership with God to accomplish the Lord's mission through the proper use of all His gifts and resources.


How We Serve

Stewardship Ministries articulates a biblical vision of stewardship and the integration of the lordship of Jesus Christ into every area of life, and to call the Church to a total commitment of the entire life and all resources and possessions to the lordship of Jesus Christ.


The Laurelwood Stewardship Ministries teaches and guides its members with resources created by the North American Division & General Conference to empower all members and leaders to implement stewardship principles. We encourage increased financial responsibility and accountability, as well as greater levels of financial self-support and interdependence, individually and corporately. 


We aim to inspire members through media at the level of story that opens the heart to the Spirit’s influence. Educate members through redefining stewardship and its impact on their lives in the light of eternity. And finally implement stewardship through training, collaboration, and the development of resources.